Custom Analytics

Tailoring Data Science to Navigate Your Unique Business Challenges


What is Custom Analytics?

Custom Analytics at IMS is about leveraging the vast potential of Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning to address unique challenges and unlock deep insights from complex data sets. Whether you’re faced with specific challenges and don’t know where to begin, or you possess data that you believe holds untapped value, we can design and deliver solutions that bring clarity, foresight, and actionable intelligence to your business decisions. For bespoke solutions that cater directly to your needs, IMS is your ideal partner in data-driven problem-solving.


What We Do

We have a three stage approach to any bespoke data challenges. Each stage is standalone and delivers value in itself.


The first step is to dig into the specific challenges and/or data available. This involves bringing in all the stakeholders who often have a different perspective on exactly what they are trying to achieve. This process involves discovering and outlining the challenge so that everyone is on the same page.


The next phase is in designing the solutions that can be taken forward - this often comes with a menu to which is attached recommendations for prioritisations based on the value exchange of benefits delivered versus costs to achieve it.


The final stage is in taking action. Analysing the data and giving strategic and actionable outcomes.

Our Custom Analytics solutions are designed to guide you through the maze of data towards clear, strategic outcomes. Let IMS be your partner in harnessing the power of data for unparalleled business insights.
