3 Months at IMS: My Data Analyst Career Path

A personalised reflection on the first three months of my Data Analyst Career at IMS.
Written by Magda, Associate Data Analyst.
Starting a new job is always a blend of excitement and nervousness. When I joined Independent Marketing Sciences (IMS) three months ago, I knew that this period would be an exciting and engaging experience!
My Data Analyst Career
Month 1: Learning and Adapting
The first few days at IMS were a whirlwind of new faces, names, and systems. During the onboarding process, I was familiarised with elements of market-mix-modelling (MMM), wider analytics, and the software we use for everyday work. To better understand the company, Alex, our CEO and founder, conducted a comprehensive overview of the company’s values, vision, and mission. One of my priorities was to grasp the essential aspects of MMM and related technical concepts. Together with my mentor, Andrea, we had in-depth discussions on media analytics concepts such as media performance, memory effects, and industry benchmarks.
My Data Analyst Career
Month 2: Integration and Contribution
By the second month, I had a better grasp of the company’s tools and processes. I dedicated time to mastering the software and systems critical to my job. This knowledge allowed me to work more independently. After Easter, I commenced my first project with Luke, our analytics manager. We started working with a new client by processing data in Excel and Python and building models using advanced machine learning. Throughout that time, my knowledge grew rapidly, and I was given new tasks and responsibilities. Due to the collegiate atmosphere and supportive culture, I quickly became part of the team, which made me feel included, psychologically safe, and valued.
My Data Analyst Career
Month 3: Establishing My Presence
By month three, Luke and I were finalising our first project together and speaking to the client regularly. I now felt more confident in the role and was already attending client meetings. Furthermore, the range of tasks and responsibilities increased, which not only challenged me but also allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of MMM and analytics and develop wider project management skills.
Overall, my first three months at IMS on the data analyst career path have been an exciting period of significant learning and development. I feel fully integrated into the team, and the flat structure allows me to make meaningful project contributions. I am excited about the opportunities and challenges ahead, which can help me continue to develop my skills and grow professionally.
If you are interested in exciting career opportunities at IMS, please contact us at

Magda Pietrzykowska
Associate Analyst

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