Econometric Modelling & MMM

Surface the insights that empower decision-making across your organisation


What is Econometrics & Marketing Mix Modelling?

Econometrics, and Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) stand as pillars in the realm of marketing analytics, offering businesses the blueprint to decipher the complex dynamics of market behaviours and the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. Econometrics Modelling uses statistical methods to quantify relationships between variables, providing insights into consumer behaviour, market trends, and the impact of external factors on marketing outcomes. Marketing Mix Modelling, a subset of econometrics, focuses specifically on analysing the effectiveness of various marketing mix components such as paid, earned, and owned media as well as price and promotions, seasonality and economics to optimise marketing strategies and maximise return on investment.


We Tackle Key Questions

What is our ROI by media?
Are we in diminishing returns in any of our channels?
Can we invest more in brand advertising?
Can we leverage any seasonal factors in our marketing?
What is our optimal media mix and how many sales will it drive?
How profitable are our promotions?

What we do (our key pillars)

We believe that all analytics should be strategic, transparent and deliver deep value for our clients on an ongoing basis.

Complete independence

At IMS everything is independent. We aren't owned by a media owner or a media agency so all the work is purely designed to impact our clients and not benefit any other third party.

Strategically actionable outcomes

Understanding historical results and performance is important, however we believe that the true value is in the guidance of optimising and improving marketing in the future.

Models built bespoke to a business

We build all our models to fit the business we are working on rather than forcing data into a pre-existing structure. That way all our models are built purely to understand and optimise your business. We consider the models we build to be owned by our clients.

Open and transparent

At IMS we hate the concept of a black box. All our work is 100% open and we regularly sit down with internal data science teams to share and discuss the variables, the transformations, and the statistical tests. In our minds this is the only way models can be fully trusted to have the impact that they need to.

Partners for the journey

We don't just drop the results. We are there to make sure that the work delivers its maximum potential and are always available for follow up discussions, optimisations and strategic planning discussions.

With IMS's Econometric Modelling, transform complex data into actionable strategy, ensuring your marketing investments are both efficient and effective. Let our precision models guide your journey to maximised returns and strategic market positioning.


What it looks like

Through Econometric Modelling, IMS transforms abstract marketing data into clear, strategic insights. Discover through case studies how our bespoke models have enabled businesses to fine-tune their marketing mix, leveraging data-driven decisions to optimise spend, enhance customer engagement, and drive substantial sales growth, all while delivering the confidence to navigate the complexities of today's market landscape.

ROIs by media

Return on investment Econometrics

Diminishing returns used in optimisation

Econometrics modelling optimal investments